
Product under preparation, scheduled to open in 2022


rojooperfume 향수에서
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일상 생활 어디서든지 즐겨보세요.

당신의 곁에 주로 남아있는
로주 퍼퓸.

Enjoy the fragrance you can find in rojooperfume perfume anywhere in your daily life.
The rojoo perfume that is mostly left by your side.

Minisize Perfume

The perfume comes in two capacities, 30ml and 50ml.

Pure Perfume

It is 100% perfume using only one fragrance. You can use the unique fragrance of carefully selected raw materials as it is.

Exclusive Perfume

It is a fragrance that can only be found in rojooperfume by blending various scents. Enjoy the rare and delicate scent trail.


It is recommended for those who want to enjoy the fragrance anytime, anywhere. Or when you want to replace smell with scent.

Todat To Me
Perfume recommendation test

Spend a satisfying day with a perfume that suits your situation and taste.

